ARC Review – The Knight of Honor by Ulysses Troy (The Arising Evil #1)

I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review.  A Knight of Honor follows the newly lauded Conrad of Battum as he searches for his friend and bard. In following the trail, he finds himself sucked into a pending duel between two barons to settle a feud going back two generations.  I’m going toContinue reading “ARC Review – The Knight of Honor by Ulysses Troy (The Arising Evil #1)”

ARC Review – Stones of Light by Zack Argyle (Threadlight #2)

Check out my review of Voice of War here. Stones of Light is the follow up to Zack Argyle’s SPFBO Finalist Voice of War and the second book of Threadlight. Being an advanced review, I am going to keep this totally spoiler free (including any spoilers for Voice of War) and add a link toContinue reading “ARC Review – Stones of Light by Zack Argyle (Threadlight #2)”

Review – Rhythm of War by Brandon Sanderson

There aren’t many books (or authors for that matter) that can get me excited enough to take a vacation day from work. Fewer still actually require more time than that to actually read the damn thing.  Enter Rhythm of War.  The fourth entry of The Stormlight Archive was far and away my most anticipated releaseContinue reading “Review – Rhythm of War by Brandon Sanderson”

Review – Dawnshard by Brandon Sanderson

Because writing 1200+ page books every three years alongside smaller YA books isn’t enough, Brandon Sanderson has also decided to write novellas for the Stormlight Archives. This most recent novella, Dawnshard, (which is really a short novel, but who’s counting) was included as part of the kickstarter of The Way of Kings leatherbounds and IContinue reading “Review – Dawnshard by Brandon Sanderson”

Review – Dark One by Brandon Sanderson, Jackson Lanzing, et. al.

Note: there are some very mild structural spoilers for this book. For many, this won’t be an issue, but for some it could be.  Quick shoutout to Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly, Adrian F. Wassel, Nathan C. Gooden, and Kurt Michael Russell. I’m going to focus more on Sanderson through this review, but they are allContinue reading “Review – Dark One by Brandon Sanderson, Jackson Lanzing, et. al.”

Review – Ninefox Gambit by Yoon Ha Lee

A few months ago, I convinced my wife to try reading The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson. It has been one of my favorite books for years and I wanted to share that with her. Despite really having no exposure to the fantasy genre, she gave it a shot. After the first chapter orContinue reading “Review – Ninefox Gambit by Yoon Ha Lee”

Short Story: The Wanderer Part 7

Millie shivered under her blanket in the cold night.  She tried to sleep, she really did. She clenched her eyes as tight as she could and tried to count as high as possible, but nothing worked.  If Jerrick were there, he’d tell her a story about magical places. He’d tell her of fantastical machines andContinue reading “Short Story: The Wanderer Part 7”

Review – Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons

I remember when Zack Snyder’s film adaptation of Watchmen was coming out and there was a newspaper on my kitchen table claiming that this particular graphic novel “could not be adapted.” I wasn’t a big fan of the medium until Age of Ultron came out several years later. So I had no reason to understandContinue reading “Review – Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons”

Short Story: The Wanderer Part 6

Elise fell.  It came as a shock when her legs buckled. It shouldn’t have since she hadn’t felt hunger or thirst in… in too long. She was somewhat aware of the trail of blood she left behind her but after leaving Orson with the broken caravan, she hadn’t bothered to care.  After days of walkingContinue reading “Short Story: The Wanderer Part 6”

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