Reading Roundup: May 2024

May was one of those months where I was just bouncing off the walls and it shows in my reading. I didn’t give myself nearly enough time to sit and read (don’t let the finishing of Way of Kings fool you – that was the product of a multi-hour road trip to see family). ButContinue reading “Reading Roundup: May 2024”

Reading Roundup: January 2024

January 2024 Reads and Reviews I’ve always struggled with how to approach posting and sharing reviews for books I’m reading. Part of it is always changing my mind on how to format it but mostly, I’m just terrible at being consistent. I took a different approach last year with monthly posts (which devolved into quarterly)Continue reading “Reading Roundup: January 2024”

Summer Reading Roundup! (Jun – Aug)

Once again, I’ve neglected to write and post anything about what I was reading and suddenly an extra two months went by. So with that said, here’s my Summer reading roundup! This will cover everything I’ve read in June, July and August.  Maybe I’ll actually stick to the monthly schedule to round out the year?Continue reading “Summer Reading Roundup! (Jun – Aug)”

February (and March) (…and April) Reading Roundup

I had planned on posting one of these each month and fell way behind almost right out of the gate. Either way, here I am with the last three months of reading! I included references to the Booklist Queen’s 2023 reading challenge where I was able to satisfy those requirements. April also marks the beginningContinue reading “February (and March) (…and April) Reading Roundup”

Manga Review – Dragonball (Son Goku Saga) by Akira Toriyama

Let’s be honest, you’ve heard of Dragonball Z. If you didn’t, at some point during your childhood, try to go Super Saiyan then you definitely know someone who did. For so many nineties kids, living vicariously through Gohan and watching in awe as Goku shattered every limit set in front of him, was an essentialContinue reading “Manga Review – Dragonball (Son Goku Saga) by Akira Toriyama”

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